Network Data Source | Firewall and IDS logs |
Network Data Labeled | Ground truth provided |
Host Data Source | - |
Host Data Labeled | - |
Overall Setting | Enterprise IT |
OS Types | Undisclosed |
Number of Machines | ~5000 |
Total Runtime | 2 days |
Year of Collection | 2012 |
Attack Categories | BotNet |
Benign Activity | Presumably synthetic, but not detailed |
Packed Size | 186 MB |
Unpacked Size | 2,9 GB |
Download Link | goto |
The VAST Challenge (Visual Analytics Science and Technology) is an annual competition that is part of the IEEE VAST conference. It’s not necessarily focussed on cybersecurity, but rather designed to promote new approaches towards visual analytics tools and techniques - hence the name. However, one of the datasets used in the 2012 challenge stemmed from the simulation of a system under attack, and could be useful for purposes beyond its original one.
The underlying scenario is that of a globally operating Bank (in a fictional world) with an IT infrastructure matching this. The scope of this dataset is one of the Banks networks, consisting of ~5000 machines, running an unspecified IDS.
Within the context of this challenge, the task for competitors was to recognize noteworthy security events, identify security-related trends and spot potential root causes for any incidents. The attack scenario consists of a botnet initially infecting a machine inside the banks network via a USB stick, then spreading within that network and attempting to exfiltrate information. Further details, although few, are available in the linked ground truth. The collection period lasted two days.
Contained Data
The dataset consists of IDS alerts and firewall logs. The IDS created an alert in the following three cases:
- A computer is port scanning the network
- An FTP session is started
- An IRC session started
The firewall only logs traffic between inside and outside interface, and vice versa.
Examples of this includes things like browsing, accessing external servers, or botnet activity.
For both sources, data is available in .csv format
Homepage Task 2(was hosted on vacommunity[dot]org), but the domain currently leads to a shady indonesian gambling site)- Task Descriptions
- Task Solution aka Ground Truth
Data Examples
Snippet of IDS logs taken from IDS-0407.csv
time, sourceIP, sourcePort, destIP, destPort, classification, priority,label,packet info,packet info cont'd, xref
4/7/2012 3:13,,2441,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2103003:7] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS Session Setup NTMLSSP unicode asn1 overflow attempt ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46618 IpLen:20 DgmLen:1500 DF,***A**** Seq: 0x1EB13CAA Ack: 0xEC4EB318 Win: 0xFF3A TcpLen: 20,[Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>]
4/7/2012 3:13,,2441,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2102466:9] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS IPC$ unicode share access ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46620 IpLen:20 DgmLen:138 DF,***AP*** Seq: 0x1EB1471A Ack: 0xEC4EB49D Win: 0xFDB5 TcpLen: 20,
4/7/2012 3:13,,2464,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2103003:7] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS Session Setup NTMLSSP unicode asn1 overflow attempt ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46603 IpLen:20 DgmLen:1500 DF,***A**** Seq: 0xC070A3E0 Ack: 0x66A5DE36 Win: 0xFF3A TcpLen: 20,[Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>]
4/7/2012 3:13,,2464,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2102466:9] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS IPC$ unicode share access ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46605 IpLen:20 DgmLen:138 DF,***AP*** Seq: 0xC070AE50 Ack: 0x66A5DFBB Win: 0xFDB5 TcpLen: 20,
4/7/2012 3:13,,2471,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2103003:7] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS Session Setup NTMLSSP unicode asn1 overflow attempt ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46791 IpLen:20 DgmLen:1500 DF,***A**** Seq: 0xB7C1832B Ack: 0x33E0059F Win: 0xFF3A TcpLen: 20,[Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>]
4/7/2012 3:13,,2395,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2103003:7] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS Session Setup NTMLSSP unicode asn1 overflow attempt ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46625 IpLen:20 DgmLen:1500 DF,***A**** Seq: 0x14D087FB Ack: 0x1793F096 Win: 0xFF3A TcpLen: 20,[Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>][Xref =>]
4/7/2012 3:13,,2471,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2102466:9] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS IPC$ unicode share access ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46793 IpLen:20 DgmLen:138 DF,***AP*** Seq: 0xB7C18D9B Ack: 0x33E00724 Win: 0xFDB5 TcpLen: 20,
4/7/2012 3:13,,2395,,445, Generic Protocol Command Decode,3, [1:2102466:9] GPL NETBIOS SMB-DS IPC$ unicode share access ,TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:46627 IpLen:20 DgmLen:138 DF,***AP*** Seq: 0x14D0926B Ack: 0x1793F21B Win: 0xFDB5 TcpLen: 20,
Snippet of firewall logs taken from Firewall-04072012.csv
Date/time,Syslog priority,Operation,Message code,Protocol,Source IP,Destination IP,Source hostname,Destination hostname,Source port,Destination port,Destination service,Direction,Connections built,Connections torn down
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Teardown,ASA-6-302014,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),2484,80,http,outbound,0,1
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Built,ASA-6-302013,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),2557,80,http,outbound,1,0
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Teardown,ASA-6-302014,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),1445,80,http,outbound,0,1
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Teardown,ASA-6-302014,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),1449,80,http,outbound,0,1
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Built,ASA-6-302013,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),2500,80,http,outbound,1,0
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Built,ASA-6-302013,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),1457,80,http,outbound,1,0
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Built,ASA-6-302013,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),1483,80,http,outbound,1,0
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Teardown,ASA-6-302014,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),2479,80,http,outbound,0,1
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Teardown,ASA-6-302014,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),1450,80,http,outbound,0,1
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Built,ASA-6-302013,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),1424,80,http,outbound,1,0
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Teardown,ASA-6-302014,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),1452,80,http,outbound,0,1
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Built,ASA-6-302013,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),2567,80,http,outbound,1,0
06/Apr/2012 23:57:44,Info,Built,ASA-6-302013,TCP,,,(empty),(empty),2525,80,http,outbound,1,0