Network Data Source | NetFlows |
Network Data Labeled | No |
Host Data Source | Windows events (auth & proc) |
Host Data Labeled | No |
Overall Setting | Enterprise IT |
OS Types | Undisclosed Windows Versions Undisclosed other OS |
Number of Machines | n/a |
Total Runtime | 90 days |
Year of Collection | 2017 |
Attack Categories | None |
Benign Activity | Real users |
Packed Size | n/a |
Unpacked Size | n/a |
Download Link | see below |
The Unified Host and Network Dataset contains data collected from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) operational enterprise network over the course of roughly 90 days. It contains no (known) attacks, and identifying values have been anonymized.
As mentioned, the environment is the LANLs production network. Details, other than “some machines run Windows”, are not disclosed.
No known malicious activity was performed during the collection period of 90 days.
Contained Data
Host logs are a subset of all host event logs collected from all computers running Windows on the LANL’s enterprise network, collected with Windows Logging Service (WLS). The collected events are related to process activity (only start/end) and authentication, a detailed list of all events and associated attributes is available in the paper linked below.
Network data comes in the form of network flows and is collected from all devices connected to the network, not just those running Windows. Raw data consisted of NetFlow V9 records, but the data made available only contains a selection of the original features, namely StartTime, EndTime, SrcIP, DstIP, Protocol, SrcPort, DstPort, Packets and Bytes.
As mentioned, the network dataset contains many non-Windows devices, making the two datasets not fully inclusive. However, de-identified values do match across these datasets.
Network and host event data must be respectively downloaded using the following commands.
for i in $(seq -w 2 90); do wget -c$i.bz2; done
for i in $(seq -w 1 90); do wget -c$i.bz2; done
Note: Their service is currently unavailable, preventing downloads :(
Related Entries
- Other LANL datasets:
Data Examples
Example network event data
Time, Duration, SrcDevice, DstDevice, Protocol, SrcPort, DstPort, SrcPackets, DstPackets, SrcBytes, DstBytes
Example host event data
"EventID": 4769,
"UserName": "User624729",
"ServiceName": "Comp883934$",
"DomainName": "Domain002",
"Status": "0x0",
"Source": "Comp309534",
"Computer": "ActiveDirectory",
"Time": 2
"EventID": 4776,
"UserName": "Scanner",
"DomainName": "Domain002",
"Status": "0x0",
"Computer": "ActiveDirectory",
"Time": 2
"EventID": 4672,
"UserName": "ActiveDirectory$",
"LogonID": "0x2e66398d",
"DomainName": "Domain002",
"Computer": "ActiveDirectory",
"Time": 2
"EventID": 4624,
"UserName": "ActiveDirectory$",
"LogonID": "0x2e66398d",
"DomainName": "Domain002",
"LogonTypeDescription": "Network",
"Computer": "ActiveDirectory",
"AuthenticationPackage": "Kerberos",
"Time": 2,
"LogonType": 3