SOCBED Example Dataset

Network Data Source Traffic via packetbeat
Network Data Labeled No (but I labeled a separate run manually)
Host Data Source Various system logs
Host Data Labeled No (but I labeled a separate run manually)
Overall Setting Enterprise IT
OS Types Windows 10
Ubuntu 16.04
Kali2021 (Attacker)
Number of Machines 6 + N clients
Total Runtime 2 hours
Year of Collection 2021
Attack Categories Diverse
Benign Activity Synthetic
Packed Size 78 MB
Unpacked Size 1,3 GB
Download Link goto


A framework aiming to provide a reproducible and adaptable way to generate cybersecurity datasets by providing a testbed consisting of a number of virtual machines mimicking a small company network and an external attacker. It includes emulated user behavior (sending mails, manipulating files) and some services typically found in a company network. For several different attacks (like SQL injection or interaction with a meterpreter instance), an interface is provided, as well as the possibility to automate their execution within a simulation.

The dataset here was generated using this testbed, though it must be noted that it should only serve as an example to demonstrate the capabilities of SOCBED. Specific needs can and should be met by using SOCBED to generate a custom dataset.


Infrastructure consists three network zones:

  • Internal: Contains Clients (Win10), Log Server and Internal Server (both Ubuntu 16.04), and a Company Router (IPFire)
  • DMZ: Contains DMZ Server (Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Internet: Contains Internet Router (IPFire) and Attacker (Kali 2021)


Ten separate runs were performed, during each of which various attacks from all MITRE tactics were executed over a period of ~two hours, followed by downloading collected logs before shutting all machines down again. During the entire duration of each run, simulated users performed various actions such as interacting with files, browsing, or sending mails.

Contained Data

During the simulation, logs are collected from all machines in the Internal and DMZ zone:

  • Windows machines (Winlogbeat/Auditbeat): Kernel, services, sysmon, powershell
  • DMZ Server (Rsyslog): Kernel, default services, apache, postfix, dovecot
  • Internal Server (Rsyslog): Kernel, default services, samba
  • Company Router (Rsyslog, packetbeat): Kernel, default services, IPFire firewall, suricata

Simulations were run with both default and best-practice logging configurations, respectively. Labels are not provided, though I have labeled a separate run (with the same setup) myself.


Data Examples

Syslogs (also containing one Suricata alert) taken from host1_bestpractice/syslog_09.jsonl

  "@timestamp": "2021-06-19T02:56:15.992Z",
  "@version": "1",
  "facility": 21,
  "facility_label": "local5",
  "host": "",
  "logsource": "companyrouter",
  "message": "[1:2016672:3] ET WEB_SERVER SQL Errors in HTTP 200 Response (error in your SQL syntax) [Classification: Potentially Bad Traffic] [Priority: 2] {TCP} ->\n",
  "pid": "2106",
  "priority": 171,
  "program": "suricata",
  "severity": 3,
  "severity_label": "Error",
  "timestamp": "2021-06-19T04:56:15.992108+02:00",
  "timestamp8601": "2021-06-19T04:56:15.992108+02:00",
  "type": "syslog_raw"
  "@timestamp": "2021-06-19T02:45:18.604Z",
  "@version": "1",
  "facility": 2,
  "facility_label": "mail",
  "host": "",
  "logsource": "dmzserver",
  "message": "lmtp(client2@localdomain): g2AeIAlazWA7BAAAwzMyhQ: msgid=unspecified: saved mail to INBOX\n",
  "priority": 22,
  "program": "dovecot",
  "severity": 6,
  "severity_label": "Informational",
  "timestamp": "2021-06-19T04:45:18.604803+02:00",
  "timestamp8601": "2021-06-19T04:45:18.604803+02:00",
  "type": "syslog_raw"

Single winlogbeat event taken from host1_bestpractice/winlogbeat_09.jsonl

  "@timestamp": "2021-06-19T02:50:26.996Z",
  "agent": {
    "ephemeral_id": "db0de894-44ce-49eb-b537-4cc28fcacc81",
    "hostname": "CLIENT1",
    "id": "72f2d3ff-866e-409e-a0c4-fc667a6fec06",
    "name": "CLIENT1",
    "type": "winlogbeat",
    "version": "7.10.2"
  "destination": {
    "domain": "-",
    "ip": "",
    "port": 25
  "ecs": {
    "version": "1.5.0"
  "event": {
    "action": "Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)",
    "category": [
    "code": 3,
    "created": "2021-06-19T02:50:29.268Z",
    "kind": "event",
    "module": "sysmon",
    "provider": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon",
    "type": [
  "host": {
    "name": "CLIENT1.breach.local"
  "log": {
    "level": "information"
  "message": "Network connection detected:\nRuleName: SMTP\nUtcTime: 2021-06-19 02:50:26.996\nProcessGuid: {f7f24c5a-5a05-60cd-aacb-110000000000}\nProcessId: 6176\nImage: C:\\Python37\\python.exe\nUser: BREACH\\client1\nProtocol: tcp\nInitiated: true\nSourceIsIpv6: false\nSourceIp:\nSourceHostname: CLIENT1.breach.local\nSourcePort: 52999\nSourcePortName: -\nDestinationIsIpv6: false\nDestinationIp:\nDestinationHostname: -\nDestinationPort: 25\nDestinationPortName: smtp",
  "network": {
    "community_id": "1:7d8WkHFy3depS7hvt1MpG1Yo7eo=",
    "direction": "outbound",
    "protocol": "smtp",
    "transport": "tcp",
    "type": "ipv4"
  "process": {
    "entity_id": "{f7f24c5a-5a05-60cd-aacb-110000000000}",
    "executable": "C:\\Python37\\python.exe",
    "name": "python.exe",
    "pid": 6176
  "related": {
    "ip": [
    "user": "client1"
  "rule": {
    "name": "SMTP"
  "source": {
    "domain": "CLIENT1.breach.local",
    "ip": "",
    "port": 52999
  "user": {
    "domain": "BREACH",
    "name": "client1"
  "winlog": {
    "api": "wineventlog",
    "channel": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational",
    "computer_name": "CLIENT1.breach.local",
    "event_data": {
      "SourcePortName": "-"
    "event_id": 3,
    "opcode": "Info",
    "process": {
      "pid": 2140,
      "thread": {
        "id": 2628
    "provider_guid": "{5770385f-c22a-43e0-bf4c-06f5698ffbd9}",
    "provider_name": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon",
    "record_id": 1906,
    "task": "Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)",
    "user": {
      "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
      "identifier": "S-1-5-18",
      "name": "SYSTEM",
      "type": "User"
    "version": 5

Single winlogbeat event that would trigger a Sigma alert taken from host1_bestpractice/sigma_09.jsonl

  "event": {
    "@timestamp": "2021-06-19T02:41:27.390Z",
    "agent": {
      "ephemeral_id": "db0de894-44ce-49eb-b537-4cc28fcacc81",
      "hostname": "CLIENT1",
      "id": "72f2d3ff-866e-409e-a0c4-fc667a6fec06",
      "name": "CLIENT1",
      "type": "winlogbeat",
      "version": "7.10.2"
    "ecs": {
      "version": "1.5.0"
    "event": {
      "action": "Registry value set (rule: RegistryEvent)",
      "code": 13,
      "created": "2021-06-19T02:45:33.098Z",
      "kind": "event",
      "module": "sysmon",
      "provider": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
    "host": {
      "name": "CLIENT"
    "log": {
      "level": "information"
    "message": "Registry value set:\nRuleName: T1060,RunKey\nEventType: SetValue\nUtcTime: 2021-06-19 02:41:27.390\nProcessGuid: {f7f24c5a-5956-60cd-2a00-000000000300}\nProcessId: 2060\nImage: C:\\Program Files\\Windows Defender\\MsMpEng.exe\nTargetObject: HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\WindowsDefender\nDetails: \"%%ProgramFiles%%\\Windows Defender\\MSASCuiL.exe\"",
    "pre_detection_id": "4f4f1bd3-f207-4ced-a70a-88391b36ee97",
    "process": {
      "entity_id": "{f7f24c5a-5956-60cd-2a00-000000000300}",
      "executable": "C:\\Program Files\\Windows Defender\\MsMpEng.exe",
      "name": "MsMpEng.exe",
      "pid": 2060
    "registry": {
      "hive": "HKLM",
      "key": "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\WindowsDefender",
      "path": "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\WindowsDefender",
      "value": "WindowsDefender"
    "rule": {
      "name": "T1060,RunKey"
    "winlog": {
      "api": "wineventlog",
      "channel": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational",
      "computer_name": "CLIENT",
      "event_data": {
        "Details": "\"%%ProgramFiles%%\\Windows Defender\\MSASCuiL.exe\"",
        "EventType": "SetValue",
        "TargetObject": "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\WindowsDefender"
      "event_id": 13,
      "opcode": "Info",
      "process": {
        "pid": 1320,
        "thread": {
          "id": 2848
      "provider_guid": "{5770385f-c22a-43e0-bf4c-06f5698ffbd9}",
      "provider_name": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon",
      "record_id": 491,
      "task": "Registry value set (rule: RegistryEvent)",
      "user": {
        "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
        "identifier": "S-1-5-18",
        "name": "SYSTEM",
        "type": "User"
      "version": 2
  "rules": [
    "Autorun Keys Modification"