Network Data Source NetFlows
Network Data Labeled Yes
Host Data Source eCar events
Host Data Labeled Yes
Overall Setting Enterprise IT
OS Types Windows 10
Number of Machines 1000 (only data for 500 included)
Total Runtime 6 days
Year of Collection 2019
Attack Categories Powershell Empire
Malicious Upgrades
Benign Activity Synthetic
Packed Size n/a
Unpacked Size 1 TB
Download Link GDrive


The Operationally Transparent Cyper (OpTC) dataset was primarily created as a “byproduct” of determining the scalability of DARPAs Transparent Computing (TC) program technologies. Together with the organisations Boston Fusion, Five Directions and BAE, their testbed was scaled from two to 1000 hosts - this was then used for evaluation of components like endpoint telemetry and analysis engines. During this evaluation, a red term performed an attack campaign mimicking the likes of an APT group.


The testbed consists of 1000 hosts running Windows 10, though the dataset “only” contains data for 500 of them.


Throughout the entire evaluation, benign activity/traffic was generated. The first period consisted of only that benign activity, the second one added activity of a red team performing a variety of attacks, the details of which can be found in the ground truth file linked below.

Contained Data

From each of these host, events were collected, aggregated and transformed into the eCar format. This format is an extension of MITRE’s CAR model, which originally only contains an object, an action and a fields parameter, linking an object - e.g. FILE - to an action - e.g. CREATE, with the fields parameter providing some limited additional information. The extended form simply adds several more fields like PID or an actorID; more information can be found using the links below. In addition to this, the dataset contains events captured by Bro (now known as Zeek), which is a network security monitoring platform.

eCar data can be found in the eCar directory, which is divided into three folders, with each folder’s content then being further divided by day and machine:

  • benign/ contains events from the first (benign) period.
  • evaluation/ contains events from the second period where both benign and malicious activity took place.
  • short/ contains events with missing information.

Bro (Zeek) data can be found in the bro directory and contains these events grouped by day and time. Finally, the ecar-bro directory contains eCar events, but annotated with bro-IDs to link between eCar and bro records - though it isn’t entirely clear if those are the same or different eCar events. If they are the same, it wouldn’t really make sense to have duplicate data like this.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no labeling beyond the one implied by the folder structure, and the authors suggest to use the provided ground truth file to label events manually.


Data Examples

Snippet of eCar event example taken from ecar/evaluation/23Sep19-red/AIA-201-225/*.json.

  "action": "START",
  "actorID": "4740cf20-06d5-4c6b-9c0d-a83b43480987",
  "hostname": "SysClient0220.systemia.com",
  "id": "53125c09-52bd-4716-89eb-326b331450e9",
  "object": "FLOW",
  "objectID": "4ac9bdec-8b6a-4582-b556-28cee4851ed3",
  "pid": 856,
  "ppid": 548,
  "properties": {
    "acuity_level": "1",
    "dest_ip": "",
    "dest_port": "5353",
    "direction": "inbound",
    "image_path": "\\Device\\HarddiskVolume1\\Windows\\system32\\svchost.exe",
    "l4protocol": "17",
    "src_ip": "",
    "src_port": "5353"
  "tid": -1,
  "timestamp": "2019-09-23T09:12:26.333-04:00"
  "action": "CREATE",
  "actorID": "2d56a9f8-9eb0-4b02-a48c-a1413dbaa59c",
  "hostname": "SysClient0209.systemia.com",
  "id": "72e84ab9-084a-4734-81c2-06674bc38068",
  "object": "THREAD",
  "objectID": "5d693438-5cfa-442e-a5c1-162699e4114c",
  "pid": 88,
  "ppid": 552,
  "principal": "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM",
  "properties": {
    "acuity_level": "5",
    "image_path": "\\Device\\HarddiskVolume1\\Windows\\system32\\svchost.exe",
    "src_pid": "88",
    "src_tid": "4052",
    "stack_base": "ffffd10156e71000",
    "stack_limit": "ffffd10156e6b000",
    "start_address": "7ff89f304980",
    "subprocess_tag": "2a",
    "tgt_pid": "88",
    "tgt_tid": "304",
    "user_stack_base": "10cef300000",
    "user_stack_limit": "10cef2f8000"
  "tid": 4052,
  "timestamp": "2019-09-23T09:42:51.804-04:00"

Bro (Zeek) events taken from bro/2019-09-20/dns.11_00_00-12_00_00.log.

1569063646.431642	CBGOhR1146Tjd6hkmb	55943	53	udp	15762	-	centosweb02.systemia.com	1	C_INTERNET	1	A	0	NOERROR	T	F	F	T	0	3600.000000	F
1569063647.841992	C3Z44Y2HbZS4cLRxK7	58989	53	udp	35012	-	piwik.dkd.de	1	C_INTERNET	1	A	3	NXDOMAIN	F	F	F	F	0	-	-	F

eCar-bro events taken from ecar-bro/evaluation/23Sep19-red/AIA-201-225/ecarbro.json.

  "timestamp": "2019-09-23T14:55:18.164-04:00",
  "id": "8e8b8298-d173-4e01-a871-8e10cb2c0be2",
  "hostname": "SysClient0216.systemia.com",
  "objectID": "7536160e-4cc3-438d-8073-9a94cf85e8d5",
  "object": "FLOW",
  "action": "INFO",
  "actorID": "4ddb9762-2c0e-44e3-874c-4c5eebf5912a",
  "pid": 1648,
  "ppid": 5736,
  "tid": -1,
  "principal": "SYSTEMIACOM\\thaglund",
  "properties": {
    "acuity_level": "1",
    "bro_uid": "CWpSLE2BloALIy1DAb",
    "dest_ip": "",
    "dest_port": "443",
    "direction": "outbound",
    "image_path": "\\\\?\\C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
    "l4protocol": "6",
    "src_ip": "",
    "src_port": "63055"
  "timestamp": "2019-09-23T14:55:18.166-04:00",
  "id": "6d21878f-9541-42d4-a82b-b0f6a4f19a86",
  "hostname": "SysClient0216.systemia.com",
  "objectID": "be2ecdb0-a4eb-49d9-ba00-cfc66df03e2f",
  "object": "FLOW",
  "action": "INFO",
  "actorID": "4ddb9762-2c0e-44e3-874c-4c5eebf5912a",
  "pid": 1648,
  "ppid": 5736,
  "tid": -1,
  "principal": "SYSTEMIACOM\\thaglund",
  "properties": {
    "acuity_level": "1",
    "bro_uid": "CTjNQd1FBaiEF4CZHf",
    "dest_ip": "",
    "dest_port": "443",
    "direction": "outbound",
    "image_path": "\\\\?\\C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
    "l4protocol": "6",
    "src_ip": "",
    "src_port": "63056"
