Network Data Source pcaps
Network Data Labeled Yes
Host Data Source -
Host Data Labeled -
Overall Setting Enterprise IT
OS Types Windows XP SP1/SP2
Windows 7
Windows Server 2003
Ubuntu 10.04
Number of Machines 23
Total Runtime 7 days
Year of Collection 2012
Attack Categories Infiltration from Inside
Brute Force
Benign Activity Synthetic, dedicated profiles generating traffic on various protocols/services
Packed Size 84 GB
Unpacked Size 87 GB
Download Link Tricky, see links below


This dataset is a product of the authors defining a number of criteria a NIDS evaluation dataset should fulfil, followed by the creation of such a dataset, using the notion of alpha- and beta-profiles to describe attacker and normal behavior, respectively. Special attention was paid to the creation of the latter to ensure realistic traffic generation, which was done by observing their own operational network, analyzing frequency and composition of used services and abstracting them into numerical descriptions.


The testbed architecture consists of 21 interconnected Windows workstations running Windows XP SP1/2 and Windows 7. There are a total of six networks, with these 21 workstations being divided between the first four. The fifth network contains two servers running Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows Server 2003, providing company functionality like email services and serving websites. The sixth network is designed for monitoring and maintenance purposes.


How beta-profiles (aka user behavior) are realized for each protocol (HTTP, SMTP/IMAP, FTP, SSH)within that testbed is explained in chapter 3 and 4 of the referenced paper. The testbed ran for exactly seven days, during which four separate attack campaigns (the alpha-profiles) were executed, with each campaign consisting of five stages:

  • Information gathering and reconnaissance
  • Vulnerability identification and scanning
  • Gaining access and compromising a system
  • Maintaining access and creating backdoors
  • Covering tracks

Each scenario is explained in more detail in sections 5.1 to 5.4 of the paper. The scenarios are:

  • Infiltrating the network from the inside
  • HTTP DoS
  • DDoS using an IRC botnet
  • brute force SSH

Contained Data

Data is divided into seven pcap files, one for each day. Additionally, for each day there are labeled flows available as .xml files (see example data). These should enable to label the available pcap data at least partially.


  • Homepage
    • download source appears unstable, use wget on loop until one of the attempts gets through (took me ~20)
      • wget
      • wget
      • wget
      • wget
      • wget
      • wget
      • wget
      • wget

Data Examples

Example labeled flow taken from labeled_flows_xml/TestbedTueJun15-1Flows.xml
