Network Data Source | HTTP requests (selected fields) |
Network Data Labeled | Yes |
Host Data Source | - |
Host Data Labeled | - |
Overall Setting | Enterprise IT |
OS Types | Undisclosed |
Number of Machines | 1 |
Total Runtime | 198 days |
Year of Collection | 2017 |
Attack Categories | Unknown |
User Emulation | Real users |
Packed Size | 1,1 GB |
Unpacked Size | 6 GB |
Download Link | must be requested |
The Biblio-US17 dataset consists of selected features extracted from ~48 million web requests recorded from a webserver at the University of Seville (Spain). The recording period spanned 6.5 months and includes benign usage during that time. Requests are made available in a labeled, but heavily anonymized form.
The web server in question is an Apache Web Server v2.2, traffic is scanned by a number of intrusion detection systems (Snort, Nemesida, Modsecurity with paranoia level 1 and 2). Further details, other than that this server is used in/by a library, are not available.
Details, such as the purpose of this server within its environment, are not available. Data is recorded from 2017-01-01 to 2017-07-17, 2017, for a total of 198 days.
Contained Data
Requests are grouped by day and each assigned an identifier of the form [MM-DD-Fxxxxxx]
, with the first four digits representing the corresponding month and day, F
signifying the protocol (A for HTTP, S for HTTPS) and the remainder being a unique number for that day.
For each request, only the following information is available:
- Method
- URI (anonymized)
- Protocol
- Response code
- Response size
With an example looking like this:
[02-18-A001234] GET /2003/padron.html HTTP/1.1″ 200 11800
Notably, fine-grained timestamps are not available. Labels are available in a separate file; for each request a line beginning with the same identifier indicates which IDSs triggered on this request. The researches then manually determine whether this is a true or false positive, leveraging additional info presented by the intrusion detection alerts. Furthermore, additional labels inform about features like the confidence level of this attack which range from level 1 to 4, with level 1 being a confirmed attack. For additional information, refer to the README linked below, which documents all fields in a concise way.